Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Test

Well I went for my last test ( I think) on Wednesday. It was called a gastric emptying, isn't as bad as it sounds. My appointment was at 11:00am and of course I was NPO since midnight, so I was starving and really wanted a diet coke bad. When I arrived I was told I would be laying on a table for two hours and they would take a picture of my stomach every 15 minutes. They said I could watch tv or listen to my ipod. I thought I'm going to take a nap. YEAH The nurse then brought me a microwaved scramble egg, but it was the best egg ever since I was soooo hungry. Inside the egg was radioactive dye, they were going to watch it digest. Who knows, I don't understand, but all I could think about was a 2 hour nap. It only got better, after lying on the table the nurse put a pillow under my knees, a warm blanket and a pillow for my head. I put on my ipod and off to sleep I went. The 2 hours went way to fast. After the test was done, I had to meet with the doctor at 4:00pm to get all the details about the surgery. That went well, we actually got to see the balloon with saline in it. It is much bigger than I thought. We got our list of foods, or may I say liquids and the time we need to be at the hospital. The schedule is as follows:

Jane 5:30am
Steph 6:30am
Karen 7:30am

They are doing us back to back. We asked for one recovery room, but they said no. Oh well our husbands can run back and forth with messages. I can just picture our husbands in the waiting room together. It is so hilarious. We all three are very excited, but a little nervous. I'll keep posting everyday if I can.


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